
the very five dollar, bill that you. will sign your name on.
And it's the same five dollar bill that your future lover,
Paula Dixon will rocieve in. change*1
"Paula Dixon,now there's a blast from the past*There
is no way in heaven or hell Paula Dixon will be my lover,"
"Only for one night."
"Oh. ...well, that makes the situation a. whole lot better."
"You gettin' smart, with me?"she said with a hint of be-
ing a mother in it. ■
"Uh-uh.I wouldn't dare,you might bite my head off."
"Let's get serious now.You want to know what has hap-
paened to your friends,right?"
'JOkay ,le t' s get moving here. Willi am Scott.,, the one you
were about to tell me about.You were also going to tell me
that, he should be yery Successful because he is very smart.
Well YOU; ARE WRONGi! i"that made me jump out of my seat.This
'woman was really wierd."He has a modest income and is di-
vorced from his wife with eight kids.He lost custody of them
all in court,and now he owns two health food stores in Cal-
ifornia.He has forgotten about you,but you are going to see
him again soon,and he'll, remember you right away.Don't worryP'
She went an and on about when and where I was going to
meet everyyone.According co her,.I wiuld meet Paulz Dixon here, tonight..Of course I didn't believe her,but how wrong could
she be /From, what I've already seen, she couldn't be wrong.
I would meet everyone•in relativly routine placesjrestaurants^^
and hotels.She had one problem in finding out about William
Scott.She knew aboug hula,but she wasn't sure if I would
ever meet.She was sure that if we did rvre meet,the results
would be memorable.She said there would be a symbolic act be-
tween me and one of the emm,The whole visit was pointless,
because. I forgot all about it after I left.When I left,I
tnnk- the samp route that I took comins here.I was wa.king
- Author
- mark thomas